
Your Best Investment

In my You Have A Voice Academy, we do an entire year of work together, and during that year, I facilitate a Detox Challenge Week. A whole week of eating fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, predominantly. Everyone does so well in this challenge, and it is always an extremely important week to focus on health and wellbeing.

For that week, the idea is to follow an entirely plant-based diet, and there are a few other protocols to follow as well. It is so important to care for our health. Crucial in fact. Think of the times you’ve been really unwell. There’s not a thing you can do to be fully productive and truly happy when you feel unwell. Being sick is miserable and can become worse over time, even becoming totally debilitating or life-threatening. That is why prevention IS better than cure. Doing as much as we can, within our own power, is the only way we can stay on top of our health, regardless of the state we are in.

It often comes down to the basics. Nutrition, Rest, and Exercise are three pillars that play a huge role in our health. Letting go of resentments and clearing emotional blocks and fears is arguably even MORE important than any other thing we can do for our health.

Personally, I am a massive fan of massage, and also surrounding myself with inspiring lovely things like fresh flowers, beautiful candles, essential oils which are often floral or native based, contemporary art pieces, and having top quality water too. I also prioritise time in the sunshine, walking barefoot in the ocean, being in nature, and having time in the garden. I am certainly known to have salt baths and infrared saunas as well.

When our nervous system is completely overloaded and/or traumatised, all manner of problems can develop. Moving from a high cortisol/sympathetic nervous system state, to a calm parasympathetic nervous system state is crucial. Being present, being consciously mindful…these are life changing and life giving steps. And continuing to discipline yourself to do what is “right” and the best thing for you, regardless of how you feel, knowing that you are not controlled by moods and negative emotions, is the answer. Sometimes, the right thing, is to rest and slow right down…remember that too.

When you’re super busy with “no time” to exercise or eat well, or when you feel entirely unmotivated and stuck, THAT is the exact time to ensure you DO fit in some form of exercise, proper rest, and good nutrition, and to take steps towards your wellbeing. It can be a long, hard road back to health when things get out of hand. It is not impossible to make a comeback, yet we can make it a lot harder for ourselves by neglecting the basics.

Self - care is a huge one. We are given the responsibility to care for ONE person first and foremost. In the best, most nurturing, most loving, most healthy, most caring ways. Forever!

Please take steps each day, all day, to care for you totally and completely. Everything flows through you in your life.

Challenge and re – establish any beliefs that say you do not have time, or you do not deserve it. In fact, the opposite is true. You are the steward of you!

And please invest time, effort, and even funds if you have them, into your own ideas, gifts, talents, projects, and business plans. Don’t wait. Back yourself! Champion yourself!

If you sing or do any type of speaking or presenting, then making some changes in your health will also make a huge difference to your voice. Your voice is connected to YOU. It’s a part of YOU. So when you take care of YOU, you’re naturally taking care of your voice. Taking radical steps towards better health is something you’ll never regret.

One of your best investments will always be YOU.

The better you are, the better things are for you, and for everyone around you! Please consider the best ways you can stay healthy and make them a HIGH priority in your life. It’s one of the best gifts you can give yourself!

Hint: it’s in your consistent daily choices.

The Detox Challenge is just one among the powerful activities that I cover in my YOU HAVE A VOICE ACADEMY. When you enrol in this 12-month program, which can also be run privately in a one on one format, you will experience powerful shifts and transformation as I guide you to achieve your Supreme Intention which is usually an exciting creative goal that is inspired by your own dreams and visions, and I also guide you throughout 8 life-changing modules:

1. Business/ Career

2. Personal Development

3. Health & Wellness

4. Money & Finance

5. Spiritual Abundance

6. Relationships

7. Service & Contribution

8. Creativity

I guarantee that you will have a better understanding of what you want to see happen in your life, and bring it pass, and you will move towards the alignment of your highest beliefs, thoughts, words, and actions…aligning more and more with your deepest values. I will also be there for you: step by step.

You can always contact me to find out more about my Premium Coaching.

Don’t forget this other EPIC opportunity that you can participate in, RETREATS held in stunning locations. A gift for you in body, soul, and spirit.

Come with me to the most breathtaking places as you experience life-changing transformation, clearer vision for your future, and connect with other like-minded people who desire breakthrough. I don’t want you to miss it. Please get in touch with me to find out more about my retreats, and how it can help you explore a limitless life.

Here is the information about Bali retreats. https://www.youhaveavoice.com.au/bali/

It is time to Find Your Voice, Empower Your Soul, and Live the Song of Your Life!

Always remember, You Have A Voice!

Love, Simone xx

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